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Our Volunteers

Our volunteers are important for the operation of St Mary's Caring and we welcome caring individuals interested in supporting our mission. Experience is not necessary. You can learn all you need to know through our experienced volunteers and volunteer orientations.
​Opportunities to serve include:
Hosting Food Drives
Making Food Pick-ups
Facility Maintenance
Sharing artistic talents through workshops and/or performances
Note: Teens volunteers, ages 15 to 17, must be accompanied by an adult. For children ages 6 to 17, please se our junior volunteer program, Operation No Starvation.

Operation No Starvation
Junior Volunteer Program
- Children 6 to 17 years of age -
We believe in the importance of children learning how to give back to their communities. For this reason we established a junior volunteer program, Operation No Starvation, specifically designed for children ages 6 to 17. For more information about this unique and growing program click on the Services tab located on the menu bar.

Ready to Volunteer?
Volunteer applications are available for pick up at St. Mary's Caring Soup Kitchen by appointment only.
All food-service volunteers are required to attend a St. Mary’s County Health Department Food and Safety course within their first 6 months. Certificates are good for two years.
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