Our Services
St. Mary's Caring Soup Kitchen meets the needs of the food-insecure through a variety of services and education.
Soup Kitchen

Six days a week, Monday through Saturday, our soup kitchen offers children, struggling families, low-income elderly, the disabled, the homeless, the unemployed, and the working poor a well balanced breakfast and lunch.
Family in Food Crisis

Any individual or family in immediate need of food is provided with enough groceries to get them through until they are able to access a food pantry
Summer Shine Dinners

Targeting children at risk of missing nutritious meals during summer break, as well as anyone else in need, we provide dinner every Monday and Thursday evening from mid-June through August 31. Our last dinner of the summer is a celebration of the return to school with our Back 2 School Blast.
Operation No Starvation
Junior Volunteer Program

Operation No Starvation (ONS) is a program designed to foster volunteerism and instill a spirit of giving in children ages 6 to 17. ONS focuses on hunger prevention through fundraising and food drive campaigns for St Mary's Caring. The initiative is designed to inspire kids to engage in community service and begin building a volunteer portfolio, while working with a team of their peers to develop leadership skills.
Operation No Starvation team members are those who want to make a difference in their community. We provide the resources they need to put together their own projects, in addition to group campaigns that target specific programs for the soup kitchen.
During monthly meetings, participants will gain an understanding of the needs in their community, share ideas on how to combat hunger and design projects. Team members will track their time, and upon completion of community service hours they will receive a Service Recognition Certificate.
ONS meets the third Saturday of each month from 2-3:30 p.m. at from September through May. Meetings are held at St. Mary's Caring Soup Kitchen. Call to register.
Feed the Families

Working with Title 1 elementary school officials who identify the neediest families in our country, our Feed the Families program helps address food insecurity for impoverished children during the summer school break. We provide weekly groceries that include fresh produce and fruit grown by local farmers, meats and staples for the 2-week winter break, and 1-week spring break. Additionally, during the holiday season, the soup kitchen packs over 100 holiday baskets which are filled with groceries for an entire seasonal dinner for at-risk families.